Student Pages



When you consult the doctor, it is an entirely private matter between you and them, and, although if you are under 16 you will be encouraged to discuss your health care with your parents, it will be your choice to do . The doctor will not talk to anybody else about you, unless you want them too or if you are at severe risk e.g. abuse


student pages


We appreciate it may be difficult to get an appointment at a convenient time such as after school or college… if you explain this to the receptionist then we will try to fit you in to see the doctor or nurse. Alternatively you could ask for the doctor to ring or text you, or ask for an email conversation. 

We can offer you help and advise on all medical matters, as well as  sexual health and contraception, and more personal issues like anxiety, grief, depression, self harm, alcohol and drug abuse.


Listed below are some simple direction and recommended web pages and phone numbers relating to certain problems:


All our GPs can help with any contraceptive queries you may have. We have several GPs that specialise in fitting coils and contraceptive implants. Please phone the surgery for more information.



This can be obtained from the surgery, or local pharmacies.


The surgery can advise, and perform simple tests (eg Chlamydia screening). For full screening Swish providea GUM (genito-urinary medicine) clinic

Visit their Website or call 0300 1245010 to find your nearest centre.

Excellent contraception and sexual health advise 


If you are concerned about substance abuse then you can talk in confidence to your doctor.

The Talk to Frank website can help you find out everything you need to know about drugs, their effects and the law. It also has support and advice on drugs and alcohol today.  talktofrank 0800 776600


The NHS offers a free stop smoking service, contact LiveWell Dorset for more information LiveWell Dorset

It offers free one-to-one support, along with stop smoking medicines available for the cost of a prescription.

The NHS website also contains excellent help and advice on how to stop smoking NHS Website


The family lives website offers help and support for anyone experiencing issues with bullying: Family Lives


If you or someone you know is struggling with any form of eating disorder our GPs are happy to speak to you regarding this. 

The Beat Eating Disorders website can also provide help and support: Beat Eating Disorders


You can find excellent advice for help with mental health issues at;

Young Minds   The UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health.

Royal College of Psychiatry A selection of information for young people, parents and carers, about young people's mental health. It is written by psychiatrists and young people working together. 

The Samaritans The Samaritans can celp with a wide range of issues and can be contacted in whatever method works best for you, phone, email, letter or in a branch. They also have a self-help app.


Papyrus Papyrus has a confidential advice line for anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts, or anyone who knows someone that is struggling. You can also send them a text or email.


Being a parent of a teenager may not be easy.  This website can give advise and support:

Action for Children  Down-to-earth parenting advice you can trust. Find answers to parenting questions in their advice articles. Or talk to a parenting coach about anything that’s worrying you. It’s all free, and no topic is too big, small, or embarrassing.